
Carinthia sees itself as an innovative technology state with quality of life - in the south of Austria and in the heart of Europe.

Within the framework of RTI management (research, technology and innovation), BABEG pursues the goal of improving the innovation structure of the state in a targeted and selective manner through initiatives and projects in the knowledge triangle of "education, research and business". Due to the increasing importance of digitalisation, a corresponding focus was established in RTI management. In order to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), BABEG also addresses the issue of sustainability. The area of education includes measures to meet the demand for skilled workers.
BABEG acts as initiator or sponsor of projects and measures. In the development and implementation of projects and measures, BABEG has already networked associated companies, universities and enterprises.

Projects are currently being implemented in the following areas:




Contact our team 

Oliver Kathol, MSc. 

Task | Director of Research, Technology & Innovation
Languages | German, English

T | +43.463.908290 21
M | +43.664.257 87 57


Martina Eckerstorfer

Task | Research, Technology & Innovation
Languages | German, English
T | +43.463.908290 25
M | +43.664.257 87 47


DI Paul Erian, MAS

Task | Research, Technology & Innovation
Languages | German, English
T | +43.463.908290 27
M | +43.664.257 87 49


Antonija Wieser, M.A., Bakk.a techn.

Task | Research, Technology & Innovation
Languages | German, English, Slovenian, Italian
T | +43.463.908290 23
M | +43.664.257 87 48